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Navarik Inspection for Cargo Owners
NI Application Basics
Business Workflow in Navarik Inspection
Deactivating an Inspection Company
Suspending an Inspection Company
Company Exit Tasks
Production, UAT, and Integ
Set Default Home Page
NI User Roles and User Accounts
How to Activate an Inactive User Account When the Actions Button is Not Available
Navarik Inspection Cargo User Roles
Move Users to a Different Office
How do I Find the Operator Contact Information?
How To Update Personal Information
Can I be a Part of Multiple Offices with One Email Address?
How do I Find Vendor Reference Information
List Users by Role
Cargo Shipper User Roles
User Account Contact Information
User Account Look Up in NI
Modify User Account
Deactivate User
User Activity Report
Create and Manage Regions/Business Groups/Desks/Hubs
Report Extracts from NI
What is "VOA - Shore Difference %"?
Navarik Inspection Term Glossary
Quantity Data Analysis Report Definitions
Nominations and Voyages
Rescinding a Nomination
Updating Inspection Company Invoicing Instructions On an Invoice
Deleting a Draft Nomination
No Hub Office or Hub Coordinator Available for Selection on a Nomination
Revising Issued Nomination to Include or Exclude Quantity or Quality
Revising Issued Nomination to Include or Exclude a Timelog
Moving Parcels to a Different Voyage
Create a Nomination from a Voyage Parcel
Setting up a Sample Nomination
Add or Delete a Parcel
Update Cost Allocations and Splits on a Nomination
Copy a Parcel
Email Inspection Results
Adding Nomination Recipients
Selecting Inspection Company, Hub Office, and Hub Coordinator
Multiple Sample Locations
Replicate Parcel Details
Nominating Different Inspection Companies for Quality and Quantity
Nomination Template Order
Updating Inspection Company Invoice Instructions on the Nomination
Copy a Nomination
Revising an Issued Nomination to Nominate a Different Inspection Company
Applying a Template to a Voyage Parcel
Nomination Cost Estimation
Create a Nomination Template
Create a Template from a Nomination Template
Revising Issued Nomination
Adding Notes to Comm Log
Notes and Files Related to Voyage
Issuing a Draft Nomination
Inspection Worksheets
Unlocking an All Submitted Worksheet
"All Submitted" Status for Inspection Worksheet
Creating an ICW for VEF Submission
Worksheet Submission Date and Time
Actuals Submit Dates Report
Preliminary, Original, and Last Submission
Worksheets Awaiting Invoice
Linking Worksheets to One Invoice
Voiding an Invoice
Creating Supplemental Invoices
Offset Rounding Errors - Invoice Totals
Navarik Invoice Calculation Rule
Advanced Invoice Search
Reverting an Invoice Batch
Email Invoice Function
Invoice Estimation FAQ
Price Book Manager
Adding Bank Details
Change Invoice Status to Paid from Submitted for Payment
Revert Paid Invoice back to Approved Status
Loss Control
Voyage Reconciliation Definitions
Match Parcels Instructions
Setting up Loss Control Email Notifications
Submit a Time Log
Time Log Status
Linking (Connecting) Multiple Time Logs
Time Log Submission Date and Time
Unfinalizing the Timelog
Creating an ICW for VEF Submission
Catalogue Management
Create a Snippet
Create a Grade
Delete Catalogue Information
Create a Method of Transport
Create Slate Qualifications
Add UOM Option to Nomination Drop-down Menu
Business Group Lookup
Modifying a Legal Entity
Modifying a Business Group
Regions Look Up in NI
Create a Counterparty (Contact Company)
Unsuspending an Inspection Company
Creating Slates
Create Quality Test
View a Method of Transport
Create a Retest Reason
Numeric vs Alphabetic Quality Test Results
Modify Location
Web Service
Navarik Inspection Web Service Guide and WSDL Files
New Web Service Accounts
Web Service Password
Unlock Web Service Account